About Eva, the founder

Hi you and welcome to a safe space full of passion and wholeness. Thank you for being here and bringing your unique energy to this space.

My name is Eva Katrin Sigurdardottir and I am a mother of three, a wife, medical doctor, nature lover and lover of life in general. You may be wondering, "What is Eva's Breath and why does it exist?" but before I answer that question, I have to tell you a little story about a woman. That woman is me.

The year was 2020 and I had been on autopilot for many years. I was raising three kids, went to medical school, did CrossFit and triathlons, did housework and homework, and before I knew it, my body said no. I went into a severe burnout and my life was put on hold. I knew I had to make some drastic changes, and during my two-year recovery, I discovered the Wim Hof Method. Little did I know that this discovery would positively change my life. As soon as I started practicing the method, I felt the change. I felt how the breathing exercises and cold exposure relaxed my body and mind. Over time, I gained more energy and focus, my physical and mental health improved, and the quality of my life in general increased dramatically.

Today, the Wim Hof Method is an important part of my life, both personally and professionally. I have dedicated my life to helping others, both as a medical doctor and as a Wim Hof instructor. I love motivating and inspiring people to bring more balance into their lives, find their inner strength, and generally feel whole. For this reason and this reason alone, I founded Eva's Breath, a platform for well-being and empowerment.


James Nestor’s Breath Retreat, March 2023

Wim Hof Method Recertification - The Wim Hof Method Academy, January 2023

Safe and Sound protocol - the Polyvagal theory. Group course for therapists, December 2022.

Certified Wim Hof Method Instructor - The Wim Hof Method Academy, January 2022. 

Cand. Med. - University of Copenhagen, June 2020. 

BSc degreee in Business Administration - University of Iceland, May 2010.